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What We Do

We are here to provide a service to Private Landlords seeking a guaranteed, above market rent for their properties, while simultaneously assisting Local Authorities and County Councils, and families/individuals whom they are responsible for housing.

Less hassle
More income

AST letting has become increasingly fraught and inefficient as a way for landlords to achieve an efficient return. We offer landlords a favorable alternative, leasing their property to us for between 12 and 60 months on generous terms.
No more letting

No more letting

You lease your property to us at a very favourable return. That’s it. We pay you, as agreed, each month. You never have to think about tenants.
Above market returns

Above market returns

We agree lease terms at levels significantly higher than market rents. These are made possible through our agreements with local government housing partners.
No more maintenance

No more maintenance

Once we take on your property in good condition, all interior maintenance is down to us, and properties are visited at 1-3 week intervals.
Doing your bit

Doing your bit

As an investor, returns should always be your primary objective. But leasing to us also means playing a part in helping Local Authorities and County Councils house those in need.

Types of property
we look for

Studio Flats

Studio Flats

Suitable for accommodating an individual, single parent or couple.
1-4 Bed Flats

1-4 Bed Flats

For individuals and couples with and without children or other dependents.
Small Houses
For lone parents, couples with or without children, older people.
Family Houses

Family Houses

Suitable for family units with multiple children or other dependents.

How we make use of
your property

There are lots of guaranteed rental agreements around, but these usually require you to make a play-off between the certainty of no voids or defaults, and a reduced level of rental compared to that which you’d normally look to achieve. When you lease your property to us, there’s no such compromise. We offer lease terms that provide a return greater than market rent, while taking absolutely all risk away from you.

Tenanting the property or collecting rent are no longer your problem once you lease to us. They’re not a problem for us either, however. We work with Local Authority and County Council housing departments across Sussex and the surrounding area, making those properties we’re leasing from private landlords available to them for occupation by families and individuals needing accommodation.

Looking after
your property

  • When you lease your property to us, we expect to receive it in generally good, market-standard upkeep. We like there to be a boiler repair contract with British Gas in place so that any boiler issues can be dealt with swiftly.
  • Other than this, we have a contractual obligation to you to make sure that the property is well cared for by the occupants placed in it by our Local Authority or County Council housing partners.
  • Our own team of experienced Housing Officers meets with the occupiers of each property as frequently as once a week, depending on the level of support we’ve deemed necessary through a formal assessment.
  • This lets us make certain the property is being well looked after, as well as allowing us to address any maintenance issues. (Contrast this with the 6-monthly or annual inspections carried out by lettings & management agencies.)
  • Any internal damage caused during the period you lease to us is rectified by us, providing it has not been caused by external disrepair. (Maintaining the exterior of the property to a good standard remains your responsibility at all times, though we can carry out external repairs for you once you have OK’d a quote for the work required.)

Have a

So are Charles Lucas letting and management agents ?

We’re not, and never have been. Originally a mortgage broking firm, our specialism for many years has been in providing private landlords with a rock solid return at a level higher than that they could expect to achieve in the rental market, by leasing their property to us, for us to place (under our meticulous management) at the disposal of our Local Authority and County Council housing department clients.

How do I know whether you’d be interested in my property ?

Get in touch with us and we’ll arrange to come and view it with you. But if you have anything from a studio flat, to a large building block, in good repair and located in the Eastbourne, Hastings, St Leonards-On-Sea or Bexhill-On-Sea areas, there’s an excellent chance we will be interested.

Could I lease my whole portfolio to you ?

It depends of course on the individual properties and their location, but in principle you could. We have a number of landlords from whom we lease portfolios of apartments and houses. There is no limit on the number of properties we would consider within a portfolio.

We’re letting agents. Might we be able to work together ?

Absolutely. If you have residential letting inventory that matches our needs, we can lease from you on favourable terms that allow for your landlords to receive above market revenues. Get in touch with us.

What kind of tenants are put into the properties you lease ?

We work with Local Authority and County Council housing officers across Sussex, providing accommodation suitable for them to house families or individuals on their lists. These are almost without exception responsible and able people, very often employed, who collaborate with their Local Authority or County Council housing officer, as well as with our own Housing Officers, in order to ensure they are able to enjoy and sustain the accommodation that has been provided for them.

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